1950s - Coronation Chicken (not old enough to remember, but old cookery programmes all seemed to feature Coronation Chicken to commemorate the Queen's ascension to the throne)
1960s - Roast Lamb & Mint (they were obviously struggling for this one, they couldn't very well introduce Marijuana flavour - I don't think!)
1970s - Cheese Fondue (clever, I have never met a God Life type character, but maybe there were a few Welsh coal miners that sprinted home from a hard day down the pits for their Cheese Fondue)
1980s - Chicken Tikka Masala (nailed this decade)
1990s - BBQ Rib (they may have been rooting around for an American flavour, here)
2000s - Sweet Chilli (Looking forward to see how this stands up against the undoubted winning flavour introduction of the 2000s)