This formula, specifically developed for weight control, is available in a number of traditional and contemporary flavors.
The slimming solution provider intends to expand its sales into other regions. The company has 40 ready-to-eat high-protein products available from stock, including biscuits, wafers, bars, and now crisps as well.For this dietetic high-protein crisp formula, "a full year of development preceded the first European launch," said Aurélie de Schuyteneer, marketing manager and responsible for such innovation projects. The soy-based formula has a protein content of 45 percent, "which is exceptionally high compared with traditional potato crisps that contain just 5.5 percent on average."
The carbohydrates and fats in this recipe have also been reduced substantially. The recipe contains 70 percent fewer carbohydrates and 60 percent less fat than potato crisps. The product, which resembles a "popped" crisp, is crispy and light.
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