This is an old style bag for old style Chips. The logo is way too big - you can't really see the flavor title when the bag is full because of the natural curvature of a full bag of Chips. The flavors are color coded however, and the truck could become an iconic symbol for the Chips as it has for Joe Tea.
In many respects these were just as Kettle Cooked Chips should be - they were firm enough to provide a solid but not hard and brittle crunch. They were crispy and not at all soft and oily at any time. A few in the mouth at once and it took a while to crunch through them.
These were relatively small Chips. Some were irregularly shaped and some were folded over. We found one that was literally folded in quarter - this seemed extra spicy! There were a few oil bubbles and the surface area was a fairly plain, seasoningless yellow, with some oily patches.
The Nose Plunge Test did not reveal the contents within - there was literally no aroma. The Taste was altogether different. You had to really crunch to nothing before any sort of potato essence was discovered because these had an immediate hit of hot and spicy pepper. We found it a really well balanced: A salty (the sodium content was particularly high) peppery taste. Not too hot, but a really good fiery blast as soon as the first Chip was eaten. This calmed down as the consumption process continued, but returned as an after-taste. But who can eat just one Jalapeno Chip at a time!