As industry leaders and the supermarkets' best Potato Crisp partners, Walkers can pretty much dictate how Crisps bags should look. Fortunately, the UK features some innovative and enterprising companies that take their promotion a little more seriously. Although Walkers bags are flavour colour coded, everything else is as basic as it can be. The logo was designed by parent company PepsiCo. It is used on Frito-Lay associated products worldwide. The brand recognition is therefore exemplary. Walkers change their designs quite regularly and at present they have a 'Home Grown' motif with a British flag on a potato. It is great that their potatoes come from the UK, but it doesn't mention the giant American company that owns Walkers, and what that entails...
As with all Walkers regular Crisps, there was very little Crunch. It was a virtual munch to mush process within three or four bites.
For some reason there was a slight pinkish tinge to the predominantly light yellow Crisps. The oil blisters were plentiful and there was the odd fleck of green.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a very tart vinegary Mint, which was promising. The flavour was a little less convincing in its partnership because although there was a clear undercurrent of Mint, the overwhelming taste was Lamb. Although this in itself is an impressive achievement because there are very few Lamb flavours out there. This was probably the best of the limited edition range of flavours in its grouping, but unfortunately, also arguably the least marketable.