Walkers Crinkles Salt & Malt Vinegar Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
28g 150 9.3g 0.8g 0.43g 1.1g
As industry leaders and the supermarkets' best Potato Crisp partners, Walkers can pretty much dictate how Crisps bags should look. Fortunately, the UK features some innovative and enterprising companies that take their promotion a little more seriously. Although Walkers bags are flavour colour coded, everything else is as basic as it can be. The logo was designed by parent company PepsiCo. It is used on Frito-Lay associated products worldwide. The brand recognition is therefore exemplary. Walkers change their designs quite regularly and at present the Crinkles range features a nice separator 'Crinkle' edging between the flavour colour and the rest of the bag, that is most bizzarely, beige.
A large and whole Crisp seemed to crumble very quickly. The Crunch was crispy and light, but athough there was an audible munching noise, it was a little soft for Ridged Crisps.
The first thing we noticed about these Crisps, was a healthy amount of potato skin on the edges of some of the Crisps. The Ridges were wider than some of this variety. There were some good curls for dipping purposes, but there was no visible seasoning. They also looked a little oily.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a quick, but mild Vinegar aroma. Unfortunately, the flavouring was not strong enough with just one Crisp, but a few at once and the vinegar came through. It mixed well with the potato, but there wasn't much evidence of Salt to make the pairing work as a combo. They could have called them Mild Vinegar.