With a constructive critique approach, we would say the Utz logo is charming and historic. The Wavy line drawing is appropriate. The colors are bold and bright, but oddly, they are not flavor colored, they just have random colors. Utz must be very confident of their position in the marketplace because all of their own brand bag designs are very dated and border on inappropriate for a modern market.
The Regular Chips have a similar thickness to these Chips, which did not seem quite as thick as the thin Rippled version. The steep undulations on the surface provided a wider Chip to crunch into. And it was an improvement on both the other varieties of this flavor. They broke up crisply, rather than with a pressure-less crash.
The comparison with these Chips has to be with the Regular Chips for seasoning levels. They both enjoy a liberal sprinkling of orange powder on a backdrop of relatively oil bubble free, blanched potato slices. There is also an immediate comparison between these and the thin Ripple variety of Chips in the Utz range. These Ridges were wider and made the Chips look crisper and more brittle, but also loaded them up with more character.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a mild Barbecue aroma. Which was nice and pleasant, but not overpowering. The Chips also transferred this smell to the taste. The flavoring was not sticky and sweet like many Barbecue Chips, and it did have a little garlicky kick. For Utz to carry a range of three identical Chips with different cuts is an interesting decision, because they all taste very similar. These may have been slightly less salty potato than the Rippled Chips.