With a constructive critique approach, we would say the Utz logo is charming and historic. The colors are bold and bright, but oddly, they are not flavor colored, they just have random colors. Utz must be very confident of their position in the marketplace because all of their own brand bag designs are very dated and border on inappropriate for a modern market. We do however love the variety name, "The Crab Chip"
These Chips had a rather greasy feel on the tongue. They were thin and crisp and the crunch was more of an immediate snap and crackle and then a munch, into what quickly turned into mildly hot potato mash.
These Chips had a rather crusty look about them. The bag was full of mostly medium sized Chips. There were not the sorts of curls and folds that you might find in a Kettle Cooked bag, but there were a few broken edges, some brown areas and a general rough looking texture. Most importantly, there was a random sprinkling of what looked a little like paprika but also with some darker seasoning powders added alongside it.
Old Bay Seasoning is the flavoring here. The clues are there: 'Potato Chips with Chesapeake Bay Crab Seasoning.' It says they are 'The Crab Chip' in a sort of, "Can I have a packet of those, you know, the spicy, erm, I don't know, they are nice..." "Oh, you mean, The Crab Chip." It doesn't say anywhere that the Chips will taste of Crab. And they don't.