With a constructive critique approach, we would say the Utz logo is charming and historic. The colors are bold and bright, but oddly, they are not flavor colored, they just have random colors. Utz must be very confident of their position in the marketplace because all of their own brand bag designs are very dated and border on inappropriate for a modern market.
While Utz Chips are thin, they are obviously industry standard thickness, and of historical monument status in the Chips world. So, although they can't make Chips this oily and thin, firm and crunchy, they did have a light crispy smash that turned a quickly swished mouthful into mush.
There wasn't much in the way of oil bubbling on these Chips. There were some brown areas and edges, but even that was minimal. They had a little bit of a rugged texture, with random sizes and broken bits off some edges. We found one huge Chip about three inches in length. There was also some seasoning visible.
On the surface of it this flavor seems a fairly straight forward, no nonsense, walk in the park variety for Chips companies. Yet, it appears to be one of the complex to get right. So many over emphasise the Pepper or don't have enough of either seasoning. These struck the balance just right, by bouncing you from Salt to Pepper. The backdrop was an oily potato that seemed a little sweet.