Half of a Tyrrell's pack is taken up by flavour colour coding, which is exactly as it should be with modern bag designs. There is also a uniform design across the range, which ticks another box. Each pack features a mildly amusing black and white photograph that hints towards the flavour. This not only works well, but it gives the company a light hearted appeal.
A twelve second munch saw the Crisps last really well throughout the crunching process, never giving in to its natural mushy potato state. At times a Crisp would need shuffling around in the mouth to prevent the jagged edges digging in.
As with most Hand Cooked Crisps, this bag featured wriggly and curly Crisps. There was an uneven smattering of oil bubbles. There was also a healthy dose of reddish coloured seasoning mixed in with the odd green fleck.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a slightly similar aroma to the Kettle Brand Sweet Chilli flavour. There was certainly a hint of sweetness that mixed in really well with a regular Sweet Chilli style dip flavoured Crisp. And like most Sweet Chilli sauces, there was a spicy hit that did not feature hot sauce heat. It was a pleasant and enjoyable variation on a familiar flavour.