Half of a Tyrrell's pack is taken up by flavour colour coding, which is exactly as it should be with modern bag designs. There is also a uniform design across the range, which ticks another box. Each pack features a mildly amusing black and white photograph that hints towards the flavour. This not only works well, but it gives the company a light hearted appeal.
I don’t know whether it was the altitude or I just had a pack which had a hole or something in it, but there was no Crunch at all. It was a soft munch. I will hopefully travel again and try another pack to make sure
These were unmistakably Tyrrell’s Ready Salted flavoured Crisps, but tiny. You can only applaud this innovative approach. For innovation this is Tyrrell’s best yet.
Fortunately we do not need to repeat the write up of the No Salt variety because although these were rather limited in flavour, the addition of Salt, however little (and there was little), brought the flavour of the oily potato to the fore. It was all still a it too greasy and oil saturated for our liking, but at least the flavour was what it said on the front of the bag.