Half of a Tyrrell's pack is taken up by flavour colour coding, which is exactly as it should be with modern bag designs. There is also a uniform design across the range, which ticks another box. Each pack features a mildly amusing black and white photograph that hints towards the flavour. This not only works well, but it gives the company a light hearted appeal.
These Crisps featured a sharp crackling type of crunch. The rigidity was undermined by the thinness of the Hand Cooked Crisps. This allowed the Crisps to be munched in the normal way, but with sharp edges flying everywhere, a bit like shattered glass.
These Crisps had the look of fallen, slightly drying petals. There was a fresh, light yellow, oil hardened substance to what were modestly curled and bent in shape thin potato slices. There was plenty of skin on edges and sporadic green flecks here and there (no more than one per Crisp).
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a similar aroma to a new pleather sofa. Unfortunately the taste was a little like a game of Hunt the Cheese. There was little more than a fried potato flavour to what were very bland Crisps. There was certainly no Chive flavouring.