Half of a Tyrrell's pack is taken up by flavour colour coding, which is exactly as it should be with modern bag designs. There is also a uniform design across the range, which ticks another box. Each pack features a mildly amusing black and white photograph that hints towards the flavour. This not only works well, but it gives the company a light hearted appeal.
There was a crisp, firm and hearty crunch to these Crisps. The Ridges helped sustain a characterful munch that featured splinters and cracks. Most impressively, the crunch was sustained throughout the whole eating process.
There is only so much you can expect from a Crisp, looks-wise. Of course, hot and spicy Crisps often look scary and bright. A Cheddar based Crisp will be yellow. As were these. There was even a tinge of orange. Most encouragingly, the 'Furrows' were deep and wide, and had plenty of skin on edges.
A Nose Plunge Test provided little evidence of anything fancy inside the packet. As for the actual flavour, well, there was certainly a cheesy undercurrent to the Crisps, but we were more interested in the Pickle aspect. As the nation's two biggest sellers are Ploughmans and Branston, we were hoping for the sweet of the former or the tangy of the latter. Sadly, although there was a slight background hint of pickle it was neither dominant or particular pleasant as an accompanying partner.