There is a small logo in the corner of the bag that includes a little farm, a field and a shining sun. This should have been the all encompassing background bag image. Instead, it is just a flavour colour coded bag with a sliced potato and some Chips at the bottom, along with a giant Tsakiris logo emblazoned diagonally across the bag. The effect is bright and lively, but it represents no heritage. It could even feature a black and white image of an old Tsakiris delivery tricycle – there is so much that could be done to improve the design of this bag and represent the company better.
As these were basic, thinly cut Potato Chips, it would be fair to say we did not expect a significant Crunch. With that in mind, the crisp, snappy munch, which quickly turned pulpy was modest yet rewarding. However, this, by its very nature, cannot lead to a premium Crunch.
These were standard, no frills, basic and simple Chips. They featured a standard thickness upon which any could be designed. There were some blemishes and natural colours. There was little in the way of seasoning, and a pretty heavy amount of grease
A Nose Plunge Test revealed little more than an oily potato aroma. The taste was like so many other Regular/Plain/Salt Chips. It was warm and welcoming and nothing more than a moreish sandwich accompaniment. A fairly standard and unspectacular flavour that just about did what it said on the packet.