Tim's Cascade Style Original Lightly Salted Potato Chips Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
28g 130 9g 1.5g 110mg 0g
Tim's appear to have gone for the 'all things for everyone' approach to packaging design. They have maintained their traditional red and white stripes, they have also included their similarly traditional mountain graphic. The effect seems to mix modern with classic along with mundane fonts not very well. The Reduced Fat range manages to lack further character and originality when compared to the Cascade range of bag designs.
A good, solid crunch, that was helped along by by the thick cut nature of the Chips. Crunchiness always makes a Chip feel fresh and good quality. These fit that profile perfectly.
These were lightly golden colored Chips with very few blemishes. The character came from an exciting bubbly texture - the appearance being that of bubbles forced upon them, despite protests from the thick potato slices. The result was an uneven, consistently knobbly surface.
In a sort of face off with Tim's All Natural Salted Chip, this has a similar nutrition label with a third more fat, (same amount of saturated) but very little else. The taste is however somewhat different. These are more oily salty plain potato than just plain potato. That is the only discernible taste difference.