The flavour description is so long it needed the whole of the front of the bag to fit it on! The flavours are colour coded on a black bag and there is a retro styled cartoon image of the ingredients. The large writing dominates and the handwritten style makes it look a little confusing and hard to read. It is an effort at design, but only at an own brand level. It does not compare favourably with some of the Crisps specific company designs, despite Tesco's financial resources.
These were very crunchy Crisps. The oil had stiffened them up and they gradually turned mushy at the right rate. There was an audible crack and splinter with the first bite and this deteriorated as the munch continued.
These Crisps had two shades, a dark oil infused yellow and a light oil boil yellow. There were lots of broken Crisps in the bag and not too much visible seasoning.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a rewarding cheesy sort of aroma. The flavour was a little hard to pin down. There was certainly a Cheese, and it could probably be described as mature in flavour. This was backed up by a rather clawing sweet taste. It was not specifically Onion, but there was an Onion after-taste. Unfortunately although clearly present, the flavours did not really hit it off together. They were almost separate flavours but on the same Crisp!