An obvious attempt at capturing a patriotic audience, Taylors include a clear statement, “Welsh Potato Crisps”, a Welsh flag and a dragon on their otherwise plain packaging. The flavours are colour coded but that is all
Although thickly cut these Crisps did not have a totally biscuit-like Crunch. There was a distinct bite and crackle as the munch continued to its mushy stage
These were thickly cut Crisps without oil blisters, but loads of seasoning on mostly whole biscuity looking Crisps.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a clear smell of Lamb and Mint. This is quite unique. Not only does it claim a unique mix, but also a confirmed smell. The flavour echoed the smell, but it was perhaps a little muted. There was also a backdrop of stock that could be almost described as beefy, but probably more fairly described as meaty