Smith's have managed to outdo themselves with the bag [un]design. There are a few traditional brands that refuse to move with the times or who do not have the resources to employ artists and designers, but Walkers do not have that excuse. There is a giant branding logo. The flavours are colour coded. The Chips type is dominant and there are a pile of out of focus Chips on display. The background is dull beige.
As crispy and crunchy as any Ready Salted Chips we have come across. The initial bites were hard and firm and the crack of teeth pressure forced splinters to crash everywhere within our mouths.
There was clearly a large amount of hardened oil within these Chips. They were stiff and firm and there were some stuck together. Many were irregularly shaped and there were hardened oil blisters on most Chips.
We are not the biggest fans or best judges of Ready Salted, Plain, Regular Chips, at Chips & Crisps. We prefer a bit of flavour, rather than just traditional Salt added to our thinly sliced fried potatoes. However, these Chips were not like many of their peers. While Ready 'Boring' Chips often require a sandwich to add flavour, these did not. In fact, the addition of a sandwich could see it taking a back seat as the time taken to eat these hard and firm, 'Extra Crunchy' Chips would re-evaluate lunch breaks; they just take sooo long to munch through and digest. However, it isn't all Plain (geddit) sailing for this solid example of the genre - the Salt is actually a little overwhelming at times.