Shearer's have undergone yet another re-packaging process. They have re-positioned a number of flavors under a 'Savory' banner. This design is just as striking as the broad black sided bags that are now under the Kettle Cooked section. Each of these flavors have a dark green top and bottom with a color coded flavor sitting broadly between. The name and flavor are given due prominence, there is a good graphic image of a potato, and the Chips are on display. Nothing to fault, everything to praise.
These standard Chips had a light crispy crunch. A mouthful quickly turned to mushy potato, but not too quickly - there was some hearty crunching to be done first.
These were thinly cut, light in color Potato Chips. There were some burst oil bubbles but minimal blemishes. Plus little seasoning or finger residue. The texture was clean, bright and healthy looking.
Shearer's also carry a Kettle Cooked version of this flavor and a 40% Reduced Fat Kettle Cooked version. These were is very light on flavor, with the salt providing little help in bringing out the potato flavor. It is also a misconception that Kettle Cooked Chips are all-round worse in health properties than regular Chips. It is certainly not the case with these Chips, which have higher numbers all over the nutrition label than the 40% Reduced Kettle Chips. So, at least you have the option because the difference in taste and flavor is negligible.