To say this bag was minimalist would not do it justice. The logo is exactly the right size, the coloured seal strips are striking. Even the font used to describe the Chips is just right. The full range features an image of each different style of Chip. Simple, but modern.
These Chips had a light airy crunch that quickly turned to mush. The over oily Chips did not soften or harden the thinly sliced and fried potatoes. It was all a bit crispy smash.
The image on the front of the bag was pretty authentic. The Crisps were oil bumped, but not overly so. There were bendy and curled Chips, but nothing like you would find in a Kettle Cooked Chips bag. The colour is even accurate. Plain and standard bearing for average looking Chips. They were also very greasy.
The San Carlo Classica is a very good standard by which all Plain, Ready Salted, Original flavours, could look to for a starting point. The taste was a warm, slightly sweet, and particularly oily potato, with a very mild smattering of salt. Hopefully, if manufacturers do look at these Chips as an example to learn from, they would start by including less saturated fat.