There is no design to this bag. There is a flavour colour coded Union flag in the background. There is a black circle with the contents written on in the centre and a couple of graphic Crisps. It is sad how little effort supermarkets put into their own branding. And if they can’t be bothered why should the consumer?
Although they were Ridged Crisps, they did not Crunch in a hard and brittle fashion. They degraded well, with fairly meaty mulchy degradation, but they did turn mushy at the end
Fairly honest and basic looking Riged Crisps. They were a muted yellow colour. There was skin on some edges, but with little seasoning available
Given the lack of effort in design and the fairly average Crunch and appearance, these stood up well in the Salt & Vinegar ranks. There was a slightly overwhelming Vinegar, but a decent enough balance of Salt to create a good and warming flavour