There is no design to this bag. There is a flavour colour coded Union flag in the background. There is a black circle with the contents written on in the centre and a couple of graphic Crisps. It is sad how little effort supermarkets put into their own branding. And if they can’t be bothered why should the consumer?
These Crunched a little more softly than many Crisps of this type. The degradation was slightly meaty, but they did not mush up as quickly as some
Standard looking medium Ridged Crisps, with lots of breakages in the multipack bags. There was a mild yellow colour, no oil blisters, little seasoning, but a small amount of brown edges here and there.
Although disappointing on many levels, there was an interesting triumvirate of flavours. There was Onion and Cheese, but also a somewhat overwhelming Potato, which may have something to do with the medium thickness of the cut