Each pack in Route 11's range has a different color, but none relate to the flavor. This is strange because it is so easy to do. This bag should however be treated individually from the rest of Route 11's bags because the design is so different. The woman looks a little like a B movie character from the 1950s or even one of the gypsy girls from James Bond's From Russia With Love. Either way, it is fantastic. There is loads wrong with it - the [movie title] flavor doesn't stand out enough, the logo is too small, the drawing is poor, but there is no doubt that the effect is great.
These Kettle Cooked Chips were crackled under the snap. A robust and hard crunch. They shattered like glass mixed with potato thickness.
These Chips were well oiled, dark and moody in nature. A bit like a character you might imagine Mama Zuma would happily take revenge upon. The oil bubbles festered like boils on crackled skin. These did not look like Potato Chips in a regularly identifiable sense - The shapes were crusty and gnarled. As characterful as any Chips we have seen.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a smoky pepper sort of aroma. There was a sweet introduction to the beautiful lady's revenge (see reverse of pack for potato peeler incident). Chips do not generally mix peppers this well while still providing flavor and burn. There is the very slightest sweetness to Mama Zuma's kiss, but she is far too hot for the vast majority of the Chips buying public.