Old Dutch Cheddar & Sour Cream Potato Chips Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
50g 260 15.0g 1.5g 380mg 1.0g
Old Dutch are a massive company, and their marketing team will be paid a helluva a lot more than us at Chips & Crisps. We therefore hesitate to say this, but if Frito-Lay take an aggressive approach to capturing the full Canadian market, packaging alone will help them on their way. Having designed product packaging and reviewed several hundred Potato Chips bag designs we feel a little more comfortable commenting in this area. And, the traditional approach will only take you so far. As target audiences mature, younger people need to be sold to as well. The 'Old Dutch' writing, the cartoon windmill, the plain white bag, the diagonal flavor band; it is all just too old fashioned to capture the imagination. Smaller, regional operations can be forgiven for maintaining their historical reference points, but there is no company in the world that enjoys as big a market share in their country that has such dated packaging design.
While there were some broken Potato Chips in our test bag, most were whole and medium sized. The largest Chip was offered up as an initial sacrifice. Sadly, it did not survive the first bite. There was a crispy crumble and the crunch lasted four chomps before the Chip became mushy.
The colouring was really quite like you would imagine any regular Chip would look like. Most Chips were medium (around two inches) in size and featured oil bubbles on there surfaces. There was not much seasoning visible.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed very little of the secrets inside. In other words, there wasn't any sort of aroma. As with many Chips that feature Sour Cream as a flavor, the potato became creamy and mildly salty. This mixed with a pleasant but mild Cheese. The flavor did not bounce from one of the flavor partners to the other. Neither did it combine to make an interesting new flavor. It was all just mild, creamy Cheese.