Miss Vickie's Balsamic Vinegar & Sweet Onion Potato Chips Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
50g 260 15.0g 1.5g 340mg 1.0g
Underneath the stylised writing heralding the brand within there is a vintage woman's collar with bow. This has been updated, but remains old-fashioned and maybe even condescending to Miss Vickie. Beneath this is a strong and boldly flavor color coded bag. There are just three colors, except for the little retro badge, that includes a cartoon style diagram. There is also a backdrop of the production plant. It all seems to be trying to do everything for everyone, but not hitting the mark in any category.
A rather subtle crunch. The Chips broke up in a crispy crunch, somewhat like most regular thinly cut Chips, but the crunch continued for longer. While they did turn mushy, it wasn't until the last gasps of the forgiving potato slice.
It may have been an oddity of our test bag, but these Chips seemed devoid of any characteristics. They were a little curly, they were consistently medium to pale yellow, and there was no visible skin or seasoning. There wasn't even any stale potato browning.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a mild Vinegar aroma. It was very slight. These were really enjoyable Chips. They featured a slightly sour backdrop, which hinted towards Vinegar, even though Balsamic has its own opinion on the tartness of Vinegar! There was also a sweetness, that similarly, hinted towards Onion. It is hard to define the flavors individually, but the balance worked well together to provide an original taste experience.