Mikesell's are one of the world's oldest Chips companies, so they have understandably had a few branding changes over the years. This latest design features a photographic image of the flavor and contents, which works depending on the flavoring! The latest logo design has an odd stamp type serrated edge. The flavor has a color coded box, but we think they missed a trick here. The creamy colored bottom section of the bag looks innocuous as a background, but the top is a dark red for all the flavors. This should be flavor color coded.
These were thin and crispy. To get a good crunch going you needed to eat a few at a time. The snappy crackling of the crunch quickly turned into a potato mush.
This are fairly standard thin and crispy Chips. There were a few broken Chips in the bag, not because of a malfunctioning air fill bag, but simply because such thin Chips struggle to maintain their strength. They were relatively light in color, with few brown spots and not much visible oil. There was not nearly as much seasoning as the bag image would have you believe.
Green Onion, Spring Onion, Scallions, whatever - There was a slight aroma on the Nose Plunge Test, but the flavor didn't quite follow. There was a hint of salty potato mixed with these fine little peppery onions, but it was very mild.