A silver background with a top and tail flavour colour related strips. The rest of the bag is all about the company logo and the word 'Thick'. Not very imaginative.
Unlike many thickly cut Crisps, these managed to tread the fine line between a biscuit like Crunch and Regular Crisps crash and mash. They broke down at a reasonably even pace before turning mulchy mush at the end.
Fairly flat shaped Crisps because they were so thickly cut. Slices rather than Crisps. There was a muted darkish yellow with some skin on edges a the odd brown streak of potato age, but overall, not really very much going on.
We are not great advocates of Regular/Plain/Ready Salted Crisps at Chips and Crisps. We prefer a bit of flavour. As it was, these featured a mild Salt addition to thickly cut potato slices.