Marks & Spencer Great British Summer Fish & Chips Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
30g 155 8.7g 0.9g 0.38g 0.5g
For this range of Crisps, Marks & Spencer have devised a sort of promotional look and feel with cartoon drawings to provide evocative imagery of summer fun. It all works very well, but is less a Crisps bag design and more like a magazine article drawing. The design is however visible for its originality on shelves and is bright and colourful.
These Crisps were Hand Cooked, or in normal Crisps & Chips parlance, batch fried. This meant they were able to sustain a crunch until the end of its munch life. Each bite had an audible crunch.
There were lots of different shapes and sizes, with as many broken as whole Crisps in the bag. The most noticeable feature was the matt, dull look. There were no glossy, oily areas. The seasoning covered every square millimetre of each Crisp, and this provided a rather crumbly texture.
A Nose Plunge Test featured a rather surprising aroma - the freshly opened bag smelled very similar to a similarly unwrapped bag of Fish & Chips. A Crisp Licka Test also revealed a surprising result - it tasted a bit like licking Fried Fish. Surely not? We are so used to Chips & Crisps not really tasting like these innovative and sometimes weird flavours, that these caught us a little by surprise. We should add that although the two people that tried them here did not enjoy the taste of these Crisps, this will have no bearing on the results of this review, because this was very much a case of caveat emptor - they tasted like salty, vinegary, greasy Fish & Chips!