Mackie’s of Scotland Scotch Bonnet Chilli Pepper Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
40g 202 11.0g 1.0g 0.5g 1.4g
All the bags are flavour colour coded. They have a distinctly Gaelic stylised writing expressing the name and underneath the flavour is written in large italics. The backdrop to this writing is a brown bag effect. As the whole thing is done in two colours it looks modern but it also means there are no stand-out features.
These were particularly thickly cut Crisps. This inevitably led to a firm and rigid bite, but it also meant the degradation stages became a little mulchy before mushy
These Crisps did not look like many of their contemporaries. There were no curls and bends, but instead they were mostly solid, thick disc like shapes. They were firm and rigid, yellow, powdery with coloured flecks of seasoning
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a rather odd smell. It was a kind of milky chilli. Goodness knows how that combo came about. Unlike many Chilli flavoured Crisps, these did not have an underlying sweetness to soften the blow. No mucking about, straight in with a hit of spicy Chilli heat. I would even go as far as saying Scotch Bonnet is a fair and adequate description of what are certainly among the hottest British Crisps. And here’s the kicker, despite the spicy heat they managed to stay just the right side of the enjoyable line which is no mean feat with Chilli Crisps