Burts Chips make the Levi Roots Crisps range. The bag design however, is the brand itself, which appears across the Levi Roots range of products. The red, gold and green Rastafari colours and the dread-locked musician imagery are in keeping. They therefore stand out on the shelves in their own right. You cannot however tell what flavour these Crisps are, but those in the know, will already be aware that "Reggae Reggae" is code for a flavour. A flavour of which, you will have to open the bag to find out.
These Crisps cracked and creaked for the first bite, but quickly smashed to tiny pieces of crunchable munchables. The Crunch was maintained throughout the entire eating process.
As it says on the bag, these were "Groove Cut" Crisps, which surely had to be the way Levi Roots would go. The Crisps looked sharp and jagged edged, with medium depth and width Ridges. The colouring was a medium to dark yellow with seasoning flecks dotted around.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a spicy aroma, but it was not strong or memorable. There appeared to be a sweet and sour element to the taste. There is a lengthy combination of ingredients that go into making Levi Roots Reggae Reggae flavour. These combine sufficiently well to deny a dominance by any. There was possibly a touch of noticeable tomato and onion, but the syrupy hot sauce after-hit was the most rewarding result.