Kettle Chips Yorkshire Wensleydale & Cox Apple Chutney Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
30g 159 9.4g 1.1g 0.4g 0.1g
Kettle Chips certainly keep it simple. And so shall we. Colour coded bags. Colours associated with the flavour. Minimalist design. Plain but fairly perfect. We included the write up for the standard Kettle Chips design because this is only a minor variation. The fonts are the same, the bold colours individualising the flavours are the same. But this time, a chopping board plays host to a simple photo of the ingredients. Kettle knock it out of the park again.
Another area where Kettle Chips rarely disappoints, although these did appear to bit a little crisper and more likely to mush quickly than some of their peers, stable-mates and counterparts.
Kettle never disappoint with their Crisps texture. These were heavily oil blistered, yellowish in colour and enjoyed plenty of curves and bends.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a warm cheesy aroma. The taste was also eagerly anticipated – what a weird combo! A fairly traditional pairing in a British Ploughman’s lunch, but to people not so familiar with the flavourings it could easily prosper a “What the hell is all that about?” sort of response! The first thing that came through was an echo of the smell; a distinct Cheese. Our palates are not so refined to distinguish between particular Cheeses of this nature, but it was a strong and effective accompaniment to what was definitely a powdery Apple laced pickle. Opinion is subjective, but we should add – we absolutely loved them!