Kettle Brand certainly keep it simple. And so shall we. Color coded bags. Colors associated with the flavor. Minimalist design. Plain but fairly perfect. The right color was used for the Chips, but the wrong name - Unsalted. 'Salt Free Creamy Potato', would have been better.
The crispy bubbly parts and the crunchy thick parts, plus the Kettle Cooked nature of the Chips, provided a firm and sturdy snack.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, these Kettle Chips lacked seasoning as part of the texture. So apart from some mixed sized oil bubbles and some brown edges, these looked fairly pure and light.
Good grief, these Chips even sound miserable. UNSALTED! How about 'Naked 'n Natural', or something. A Baked Potato has a lot less fat, and if you get yourself one of those Tefal Actifry machines, you can make Fries without using oil. They are just potato flavor. We are perhaps not the best people to survey a deliberately flavor free Chip!