Kettle Chips Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
30g 151 8.5g 1.0g 0.6g 0.4g
Kettle Chips certainly keep it simple. And so shall we. Colour coded bags. Colours associated with the flavour. Minimalist design. Plain but fairly perfect.
These Kettle Cooked Crisps had a relatively meaty but soft crunch for Kettle Cooked Crisps. In the first instance they began with a hard, crispy snap, which decreased in solidity as the munch went on. A good balance of more crispy than Regular Crisps and less crunchy than Kettle Crisps.
The occasional Crisp had some potato skin on the edges, but the most noticeable aspect of these Kettle Cooked Chips was the lack of irregularly shaped bag constituents. There were lots of oil bubbles but none were more than medium in size. They seemed very oily with any seasoning that was there, soaked up by said oil.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a vinegar aroma. Not Balsamic, but a random generic Vinegar. The Crisps had a really good balance between Salt and Vinegar. While they had no recognisable Balsamic flavouring, it was Vinegar. The key to a good Salt & Vinegar Crisp is most certainly balance. Often, a bag of this flavour features far too much salt or far too much tart Vinegar. These Crisps were mild and inoffensive. Nothing striking to make you rush back for more, but a good balance nevertheless. Sadly, the flavouring disappeared in favour of oily potato after a few bites.