Kettle Brand certainly keep it simple. And so shall we. Color coded bags. Colors associated with the flavor. Minimalist design. Plain but fairly ideal for marketing purposes. However, brown is not the most attractive of colors for Chips advertising purposes.
For some reason these seemed firmer to the crunch than the full fat version of the same Chip. It wasn't a hard bite, but the Chips certainly didn't turn to mush when they were munched around for a while.
These fairly plain Chips were cut thickly and had a golden yellow hue to them. There was quite a bit of brownish shading on the Chips and a fair amount of potato skin on the edges. There were some odd shapes and bent irregulars. There wasn't much in the way of seasoning visible.
Reduced fat, but a higher sodium content, to combine with the potato to in turn provide a more flavorful version than the Original variety. Very clever. Having said that, we are of the belief that if you want a reduced fat potato product it is best to eat a potato. Any Chip that is best eaten with a Sandwich can easily be left to one side in favor of a tasty flavored alternative.