Kettle Bites Sea Salt & Mixed Peppercorns Wholegrain Waves Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
22g 95 2.6g 0.3g 0.3g 1.3g
Kettle keep it simply brilliantly with their designs. Large but not dominant logo, muted backdrop, a centrally positioned flavour of Chips representative. However, the packet background for Kettle Bites is a kind of wishy washy yellowy flesh coloured thing, which is frankly, not very nice.
As with most extruded and moulded food products of this nature, they munch rather than crunch. To be fair there was an initial crunch, but they broke down like soggy twigs
Corrugated extruded snacks with a brown wholegrain pustulated surface and plenty of different coloured peppers visible
A standard pack of Quavers has 88 calories so a traditional extruded snack can compete with this new fad of healthy alternatives that are not much healthier, if at all. The wholegrain backdrop added a very nice combo to the peppery flavour. And there were some particular large spots of pepper that hit home runs. There was also a nice variety of Pepper – different colours = different flavours