We love that Angelo Grippo's original signature is still used on the bags nearly a century after he first cooked up a batch of Chips. It is a bright and noticeable bag, but there is no design quality visible at all.
Grippo's plain Potato Chips are very thin. The Snap Test saw a shattering Chip when put under the strain of two fingers and thumbs attempting to break it in half. A handful to munch and the Chips quickly turn to mush.
These were thin Chips and very oily. It is the soybean oil that they are cooked in that causes this. There was some flaky residue and fingers did get messy pretty quickly.
Although low in salt content, the oil brought out the flavor of the potato really well. It was a warm, fluffy flavor that reminded us of baked potatoes on a dark Fall night. Most Chips companies have removed Trans Fats from their product range. It is time Grippo's did the same. It is not needed and will affect sales more than flavor.