As a new company it is not surprising that Frixx have gone for a modern, yet plain and highly visible logo. Beneath the logo is a wide flavour colour coded strip denoting the contents. The All Natural badge is neatly placed to the side and the main body image is a pile of Chips with photographic evidence, as it were, of the contents. While there is nothing original about this design it is introducing a new product to a new market and addresses the similar design of its only realistic competitor, Lays.
It often seems a little unfair when considering a Crunch Test for thickly sliced Chips. On one hand there is n almost added bonus of thick slices, but this in turn tempers the Crunch. However, there was still a neat Crunch before a fairly rapid mush stage.
There was something very traditional about the fairly flat and oil filled surfaces of these Chips. There were few oil boils and no visible skin on edges, which suggests the potatoes are peeled before slicing. Those slices were also fairly thick. There was no visible salt, but there was a significant greasy residue left behind for fingers to ponder.
Although a Nose Plunge Test revealed little there was no mistaking the taste. This was a throwback Chip from days of yore. Or rather, days of highly greasy, oily and tasty Chips. There is little to add to that because the heavy fat content actually improves the taste of Chips.