Dakota Style design every bag differently. This is not a good thing. To enable consumers to adopt a brand, with Chips it's best to keep it simple, plain and easily identifiable. The contradiction here is that Dakota Style certainly make their packaging 'identifiable'. Unfortunately, the cartoon logo is absent from this bag and the light blue does not match the flavor. The giant pot of white substance and cartoon peppers, plus the different fonts and colors. No.
Yep, definitely thicker, firmer and crispier than the vast majority of Chips. This makes the bite more like a cracker than a Potato Chip, but this makes eating Dakota Style an experience. It is not an everyday Chip.
The major selling point for Dakota Style Chips is the 'Industrial Strength' marketing gimmick, which isn't just a marketing gimmick - they are generally thicker than most Chips. For some reason the slogan, which is usually found at the bottom of the bag design is missing. You do however find these extra thick, sometimes curly, occasionally folded over and oily but not greasy Chips, inside.
The aroma and taste could immediately be described as fresh. A fresh and newly picked bunch of herbs and flower stalks. If a smell had a color, this would be green! The cottonseed oil they have been cooked in combines with the flavor to bring out the potato but also a creamy pepper flavor. 'Ranch' is a bit of a stretch, but it is a nice flavor nevertheless. One of the additives is called Disodium Inosinate Guanylate, which we are a little afraid to Google.