As a stand alone bag, this is a really good use of graphics and content. The small but bright company branding sits neatly at the top. The flavor and style are a little cartoon-like but friendly, and then you have the two color bag to represent the salt and pepper. It is surprising that this is the first time we have seen this design option for this popular flavor. However, it is part of a range of Chips and looks nothing like any of the other bags.
The 'Industrial Strength' crunch is a majorly snappy bite. Put two Chips together and it takes a good chomp to get through. Nothing like the soft, crispy snappy crunch of regular Chips that can be smashed apart by your tongue and the roof of your mouth.
A lot of the Chips were small, some were curly, but very few were broken. They are thick and strong - which is presumably where the 'Industrial Strength' claim comes in. As they are Kettle Cooked there are dark patches of oil and the seasoning fights to sit atop the hard Chips, which gives them character. They did not seem overly greasy.
The increased saturated fat required to cook an extra thick Chip can often invade the flavor, and this was no exception. The secret of good Salt and Pepper Chips is to either balance the flavor or bounce the flavor from irregular seasoning, one to the other. These were Pepper Chips. The heavy 220mg of salt must have been absorbed by the chunky Chip.