There are many things to like about there Covered Bridge bag design and just one to dislike There are also difficulties for any Canadian manufacturer that need to be overcome, which will always impact design. So, the good: The small logo is appropriately sized and stands out. The wavy flavor color coded bags are also great. Although it should be pointed out that the vast majority are shades of green or blue for some odd reason. Covered bridge handle the issue of two languages very well - the main image includes English, but in larger text is the French wording. This difficulty is handled very well. The bad: Really, what is it with these Chips companies are cartoon imagery! And poor cartoon imagery in this case. It is one thing having an uninspiring photo of Chips, but providing childish cartoons is simply the other side of the same coin. However, one major positive outweighs them all. The main purpose of food manufacturer packaging is to make their product stand out. These bags achieve this very well.
There was a solid and fulsome Crunch to these Chips. Unlike Regular Chips there was no sign of instant mush, but rather an evenly paced Crunch from first bite to mulchy end.
Covered Bridge clearly do not bother with the peeling of their potatoes. There was skin on all edges, which was most welcome. There were oil boils galore on the mostly bent and curled Chips. There were brownish areas on some Chips, but not much visible seasoning.
Oddly, there was no aroma when we burst the bag for a Nose Plunge Test. Nether was there any real evidence of Sweetness, Spiciness or Jalapeno. Oh, hand on, what this?... After munching and swallowing there was a clear sign of spiciness on both tongue and mouth roof. It wasn't altogether welcome because we would have preferred to enjoy the eating experience rather than the after-burn, but at least it was evident.