Corkers Simply Sea Salted Hand Cooked Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
35g 193 10g 1.2g 0.4g 0.8g
Corkers include typically British iconography (phone boxes, bowler hats etc.) on their packaging. Alongside that is a flavour colour coded pack and shades of the same colour brand name and flavour. We have only one criticism of this approach – the flavour should be written in white to add some distinction
Many of the Crisps in our pack were somewhat small. This may have been shrinkage due to excessive oil, but whatever, this led to a hearty and somewhat brittle Crunch that was perhaps harder than it should have been
These Hand Cooked Crisps were rather smaller than many, but they were certainly oil hardened and curled in nature
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a nice Potatoey Salty aroma, but this was a little misleading because although there was a warm and fluffy Potato backdrop they were not very Salty at all