This packaging is exactly the same as the 60% Less Sodium variety but with blue writing instead of orange. Ordinarily we would compare Chips bag designs generally, but this only needs to be compared to the reduced salt version because it begs the question: Why have the Totally Natural version at all? And maybe a lighter blue, or white for a bag.
The less salty version seemed a little less oily, although that doesn't mean to say these were not crunchy, they were. More of a crisp crunch than a firm, hard biting crunch, though.
These were virtually the same as the Less Sodium version, which is perhaps understandable. Although they did seem to be a little greasier, but that could just be a trick of the mind because it was done by memory. The odd overly greasy Chip left flakes of Chip on fingers, but aside from some curly Chips they were consistent throughout the bag.
The Nose Plunge Test, which features a quick snort of aroma as soon as the bag is opened, featured a rich potato smell. This certainly fits into the Totally natural claim, and the flavor held its own in that arena as well - the Chips did taste free of chemicals, flavorings and spices. There was a hint of salt but the dominant flavor was a well oiled plain Chip.