It could do with a little updating, but the Bickel's packaging hits the mark fairly in the middle. It is modern enough, the matt / shiny gloss squares contrast well under supermarket lights. The logo is clear to differentiate it from the major brands and the gold backed writing doesn't take anything away, although the font could be less formal.
Thin Chips always provide a mouthful of crispy crunch. It is different from a Kettle Cooked hard crunch. They do not melt away quickly as sometimes happens with completely saturated Chips.
Not particularly thick, but golden and with some flecks of powdery residue. Not too much is left on the fingers but just enough to suggest the texture isn't just mass produced potato slices.
A mild but sweet Jalapeno aroma emerged when the bag was opened. The taste was similar. A tangy and not hot flavor remained on the tongue. Jalapeno is not one of the hottest peppers and the taste mimicked that. There were no short changing Chips, every one had a robust and pleasant Jalapeno taste.