Of all the Potato Chips bags we have reviewed this is certainly one of the most interesting. It is a poorly designed great design! The traditional logo is too large, there is no reason for the white area around it, the flavor has been typed in the same size on a computer package with no thought or variation, there are no fancy graphics or any visible effort undertaken - it could be designed in five minutes. However, The bag color is fantastic, it stands out on the shelves brilliantly, but better than that, the high gloss swirls and matt swirls combine superbly to add an almost two tone effect that captures your attention from different viewing angles.
The Chips were thicker than expected, with almost no broken Chips in the bag. This provided a really good crunch.
These may have been slightly overcooked, or the potatoes may have been a little older than they should have been may have been. The dark areas on the Chips were not welcome on an otherwise nicely yellowed Chip. Some skin, which compensated the appeal and a nice powdery residue that soaked up the oil and left a dusting on the fingers.
Salt & Vinegar is a difficult flavor to master. The natural sodium of the potato, combined with salt seasoning, needs to maintain a balance with the vinegar. This was a good attempt, but the vinegar was a little stronger. That isn't a criticism, just an observation - if you're buying Salt & Vinegar Chips it is likely to be for a healthy vinegar kick, which these Chips have.