This range of Crisps does not have a design. They are flavour colour coded and have the flavour written on the bag. A food packaging design could not possibly have any less effort put into it. 1
Any pressure and these Crisps crumbled to mush immediately. A gentle bite through saw a crispy, yet slightly soft munch. 1
Thin and crispy looking Crisps that featured some gentle bends and curls. They were pale yellow in colour and had no visible seasoning on their surfaces. 1
There was a smell with the Nose Plunge Test, but the aroma was of such mild Vinegar that it did not auger well for the taste test ahead. The interesting thing about these Crisps was that they did taste of Salt & Vinegar, but it was a Salt & Vinegar after-taste. To explain; after Crisps had been eaten and long forgotten, there is often an after-taste reminder... ‘Oh yes, I had Salt & Vinegar Crisps for lunch.’ And that was it. They did not taste of Salt & Vinegar, but they did remind us of a dim and distant memory of Salt & Vinegar. 2