Wise are one of the biggest and most established Chips companies in the world. Their bag designs will understandably have a bit of a corporate feel. The flavors are color coded, with nice shaded areas to compliment the colors. The Wise logo has shrunk and altered over the years but it is highly visible, recognisable and very well designed. The rotated square is original and not copied. The word 'Flavored' appears to have been stuck on as an after-thought and if this is the 'Sweet' Barbecue flavor, should it have moodier colors than the regular Barbecue?
These Chips appeared a disgruntled. There was some bumpy surfaces, but no large or stand-out bubbles. Almost as if the oil made the potato slice grumble and mumble, rather than scream in pain. This transferred directly to the crunch. The Chips were thicker and more stable than many thin, regular Chips. This in turn delivered an even and crispy, brittle crunch.
Despite the bag under survey being large, the Chips inside were fairly uniformly small to medium in size. There was some skin on edges. There were gentle waves and bends, but no major oil bubbles to speak of. There was a darkish colored seasoning that left a powdery greasy finger residue.
Wise appear to make Chips like vineyards make wine. They have a wide array of Barbecue related Chips, presumably aimed at Chips tasting connoisseurs. From our experience, most of the Chip eating world, are happy to munch away and say, 'Yes, they are nice'. Sure, most could tell a difference in a blind Taste Test, but all of Wise's Barbecue Chips are nice. These were slightly sweet and there was a mildly hot after-taste, which was released by some peppery tomato Barbecue, but really - does a slight change in flavor merit new marketing, branding, positioning, packaging etc?