Walkers Sensations Cheese with Sweet Cranberry Crisps Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
30g 140 6.3g 0.5g 0.38g 0.9g
While Walkers minimalist designs generally abuse great design conventions with their bland and characterless styling, the Sensations range takes the same principles but gets it completely right. The bags are all black, which instantly makes them stand out on shelves, and even manages to add that upper class effect that they are going for. There is a broad flavour reference design in the centre and even the odd squiggly lines dotted about add to the exotic look and feel. For once Walkers have even taken the less is more approach with their small logo, which pops brightly from each bag.
The Crunch matched the thickness; a sustained crispy munch from start to mush stage, which was fortunately around three quarters into the eating process.
The packet claimed the contents were “Thicker Cut Crisps” and that is what they were, if comparing with other Walkers Crisps of course. There were so many oil blisters that some looked like extruded snacks. A very impressive feat. The colouring was a gentle yellowish orange, but the stand out feature was undoubtedly the thick coating of seasoning powder
It was pleasing to note that the Cheese was not specified. So many modern Crisps and Chips claim to be a certain Cheese when they are invariably merely generic in their cheesiness. Suffice to say, these tasted cheesy with an underlying sweetness. The ingredient scientists certainly weaved their magic because it was undoubtedly a berry flavour which could be considered Cranberry.