Shearer's have undergone yet another re-packaging process. They have re-positioned a number of flavors under a 'Savory' banner. This design is just as striking as the broad black sided bags that are now under the Kettle Cooked section. Each of these flavors have a dark green top and bottom with a color coded flavor sitting broadly between. The name and flavor are given due prominence. There is a good graphic image of a little pot of Sour Cream and a few Scallions, and the Chips are also on display. Nothing to fault, everything to praise.
A Snap Test was conducted on a good flat Chip, but it shattered. This was quite literally echoed while chomping. The crunch was light and Chip-mash-friendly.
Not as thinly cut as some regular Chips, but thin enough to see some breakage of oil bubbles and whole Chips. There were also some curled Chips. The seasoning included a few flecks and the powdery residue remained on Chips rather than fingers.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a slight Onion aroma, which augured well. An almost potato inspired sweet buttery creamy flavor was laced with a well balanced layer of onion flavoring. The Sour Cream was evident as was the Onion, which may have been a little salty. The flavor worked well in balanced proportions, which is rare for a flavor easily dominated by a stronger partner.