Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference Hand Cooked Caribbean Jerk Chicken Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
30g 148 7.4g 0.7g 0.42g 0.9g
This variation of the Sainsbury's taste the Difference range features the familiar black bag. Gold writing to explain they are limited edition. The ingredients are in graphic form and are exploding in dramatics. The flavour description is dominant and easy to read and identify with.
As with all Walkers hand cooked Crisps these featured a hearty crunch that did not mush up straight away. A good, well paced mulch.
Mid sized thickness. lots of oil soaked transparancy. Plentiful seasoning flecks and a backdrop of darkened yellow. Some skin on edges.
These Crisps had the remarkable dual ability to taste like plastic and Jerk Chicken! No Crisp ever tastes like Chicken, but their was a stock flavour background with a few zaps of zingy seasoning. Not the most reliable Jerk example, but an interesting spice nevertheless.