Miss Vickie's Sweet Chili & Sour Cream Potato Chips Review
Bag Calories Fat Saturated Salt Sugars
50g 260 15.0g 1.5g 400mg 1.0g
Underneath the stylised writing heralding the brand within there is a vintage woman's collar with bow. This has been updated, but remains old-fashioned and maybe even condescending to Miss Vickie. Beneath this is a strong and boldly flavor color coded bag. There are just three colors, except for the little retro badge, that includes a cartoon style diagram. There is also a backdrop of the production plant. It all seems to be trying to do everything for everyone, but not hitting the mark in any category.
Although Kettle Cooked, these Chips seemed a little more thin than most of this type. If anything, this made the Chips even more crunchy. The saturated, stiffened oil, provided a brittle and rigid crunch that maintained its firmness throughout the munching process.
A short, sharp, and very hot dunk, obviously saw the thinly sliced potatoes scream in pain as boils and bubbles were clearly writhing around on the surface of slightly darker yellow Chips than most of Miss Vickie's other varieties. There were seasoning flecks and there were also some curly and folded Chips in the bag.
An interesting prospect. 'Sweet' Chili rather than 'Hot' Chili with Sour Cream. Does Sweet Chili really need tempering with Sour Cream? The answer was clearly, no. The 'Sweet' was completely redundant. Admittedly, in the modern world of fancy flavor titles, 'Chili & Sour Cream' doesn't sound quite as exotic as Balsamic Vinegar & Sweet Onion, but if we were to overlook that there was a creamy potato flavor mixed up with a little spicy pepper heat. The after-taste even included some residual chili heat. So, good Chips, incorrectly named.