Similar to the 'Ultimate' range, the impression the overall look of the bag provides is one of masculinity. The emboldened ‘Fire Pit Sizzlers’ and the fire on a backdrop of grey rock design hints at 'man marketing'. The overall impression is is all a bit corporate and bland – it amazes us how the bigger the company the easier they are persuaded by bland and unimaginative designs by expensive design companies.
These Crisps looked particularly oil hardened. There were visible oil patches and these directly related to what was a far superior crunch to the other two flavours in the range. The initial bites were firm and rugged. The deterioration was evenly paced and the mush stage did not last long at the end.
Thickly cut and evenly Ridged, these Crisps screamed 'meaty'. There was some visible browning but the predominant colour was an even yellow. There was also a powdery surface on most Crisps.
A Nose Plunge Test revealed a powdery milk smell that was aided and abetted by a touch of Cheese. The flavour itself is American - in the UK they don't really have 'Grilled Cheese. Cheese on Toast, yes, but Grilled Cheese, not so regularly heard. The distinction is important here because they tasted like burned plastic with an oxymoronic sounding pleasant after-taste. It would be great to know what Cheese was used because that will never go on anybody's toast!